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By Emily Miller

REXBURG—Flourish Point in Rexburg is raising money—more than $15,000 so far—and keeping their eyes open for the perfect property to create a resource center to be named Flourish Place. 

According to the organization’s website, “Flourish Point, Inc., was created to provide compassionate, evidence-based, accessible, and affordable mental health care and support services for minorities and people who identify (or are questioning) as LGBTQ+ and their families.”

Ideally, the proposed center will be located within easy walking distance of the campus of Brigham Young University-Idaho. According to Kristine Anderson, social media manager and community outreach coordinator for Flourish Point, it will give space to hire a second full-time therapist and provide a social gathering place for Rexburg’s LGBTQ+ community, their family, and friends. Eventually, Flourish Point plans to offer support groups for parents. 

The new resource center would replace Flourish Point’s current location in the Teton River Business Center.

“Currently, our office space is located over a 40-minute walk from campus,” Anderson says. “Our programs are expanding and evolving. In addition to space needed to hire a second full-time therapist, the home/space we rent will be used as a resource center and social gathering place much like Encircle homes do in Utah communities.”

Through a combination of social media and local outreach, Flourish Point has raised over $15,000—$10,000 of that in just one week of the fundraiser’s launch, surpassing their initial fundraising goal. 

Paramount 5 Theater will host a fundraiser event tonight (Thursday, Sept. 23) at 7 p.m. with a viewing of the 1993 film “Philadelphia.” Admission is free and 25 % of concession sales will be donated to Flourish Point.