Become a member of Rexburg Commons today!

If you like what we are doing, please consider supporting the mission of Rexburg Commons.

  • Our desire is to help bring our great community together, including those who we welcome here from all corners of the world.
  • We do this by sharing the stories of Rexburg. These are YOUR stories and OUR stories.
  • We do this by centralizing a community calendar of all of the great things happening here.
  • We do this by being passionate about supporting and promoting local business.
  • We do this by caring what type of Rexburg we are going to build for our children.

As many small business owners do, we started with the risk of paying writers out of our own pockets. It is a labor of love, but your support is needed to keep this going! We intend to make the community calendar freely available at all times. Please bookmark and share the calendar link! The articles will also be free up to a certain number per month. This means you can share a story about a friend or neighbor and be confident all can read that story until they have reached a quota of free articles viewed per month.

To exceed that limit (or simply to support our efforts), we are asking for minimal member subscriptions to keep the site going. We hope to keep this number low with your help.

Our promotional launch rate is only $2.50/month or $24/year.

Thank you for your support!