By Dallin Saurey

REXBURG—Outdoor recreation should be available to people from all walks of life and every age. I feel privileged to know and write about 38-year-old Parker Dunn of Rexburg, who recovered from a debilitating cancer and treatment. His stories of going fishing for salmon in Alaska are impressive.

When I interviewed Dunn, I learned that he has also done many outdoor activities like fishing in Washington, Ohio, and Florida. I asked him what his favorite Idaho state outdoor activity is.

“Skiing in Kelly Canyon,” he said.

When asked if there was anything he would like to say to encourage people to participate in more outdoor activities, Dunn replied, “I would say there are more fun things to do outside than inside. Just get out there and get moving. Our bodies are affected by moisture and sunlight.”

I noticed he likes the competitive spirit of out-fishing his dad. His kind neighbors have made their man-made ponds available to him as well. I took him with me to collect and process minnows from my minnow traps. He’s always willing to seek a new adventure.

People who do outdoor activities, even when their lives are not easy, inspire me to get out more often. When I’ve been fishing, I have seen others in wheelchairs, on crutches or experiencing the effects of cancer treatments, on the water and enjoying the beauty of nature.

What opportunities could you provide to your disabled family, friends, and neighbors? If you have a disability, what outdoor opportunities should you be pursuing?

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