By Alix Roberts

Winter calls for time with family, friends, food and holiday festivities. However, it’s important to remember our immune systems are prone to become more vulnerable during these cool months, as well. 

Here are 5 simple yet effective ways to prepare your body and mind for the winter and help you enjoy the season: 

  1. Fuel up on vitamins, antioxidants & nutrient-packed foods 
  2. Wash hands often and avoid touching your mouth, eyes or nose
  3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate 
  4. Make a visit to your local doctor
  5. Tend to your mind 

Fuel Up On Vitamins, Antioxidants & Nutrient-Packed Foods

If you didn’t know, sickness is much more common during the fall and winter seasons! With the change in temperature, our minds and bodies are prone to an increase in stress and strain. But there are many ways to manage!

You can count on vitamins to make your immune system happy. Some of those that you can focus on extra in the cold seasons can be vitamins B, C and D as well as Zinc. Each of these help soothe, boost, protect and improve our bodies during these crucial times. 

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that our body does not naturally produce, but is needed. It can be found in oranges, strawberries, sweet potatoes and green vegetables. 

Keep up on your orange juice! 

Vitamin B allows your body to better manage heart pressure, repair and better maintain tissue and increase your mood, amongst many other things. 

Vitamin D is in partner with our bodies and the sun! The sun rays trigger our skin tissue to produce this vitamin. A lack of sunshine for a long period of time can result in not only a weaker immune system but goes beyond our physical wellness. While the sun isn’t out as much as we would like, we can notice a change in our mental health as well. Consider taking Vitamin D supplements to help combat any signs of seasonal depression. 

Zinc gives us the benefit of better sleep (we can’t say no to that, right?). It also fights alongside our immune cells against colds and other viruses that like to come around as the weather changes. 

Wash Hands  Often/Avoid Touching Mouth, Eyes and Nose 

We all know how important this simple, yet easily-forgotten tip can be. For most of us, it’s an unbreakable habit we have of always having our face resting in the palm of our hands, wiping our eyes or nose and not cleansing after, the list goes on. Germs spread easily especially when touching doorknobs, tables and shaking hands. Remind yourself and each other to wash up! Set an alarm on your phone to go off a few times a day to scrub up! Use soap and warm water each time you use the restroom, prepare food, return home from work/school, etc. 

It may seem tedious but a simple thing makes a difference! 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

It’s easy to be focused on drinking lots of water in the summer so we don’t feel lethargic while out in the warm sun, but it’s just as important while the snow comes down. Staying hydrated can be fun if we let it be! Have competitions with friends to see who can drink the most amount of water in a certain span of time. Challenge yourself to beat your own record! Try new drinks, flavors and styles of drinks! Teas of all kinds, other hot beverages or just simply water! Staying hydrated helps with digestion, clear skin, keeps our joints in check, prevents infections and overall helps our body work properly. Struggle with headaches? Check your water intake! Remember, most of the human body consists of water! 

Make a Visit to Your Local Doctor

Doctors are here to help us! They go to school and become certified to specialize helping us in our needs. Schedule those appointments, visit your doctor, get the shots that you need/desire and talk to them about how you’re feeling. They are here to help us and we are lucky to have a great team of doctors here! 

Tend to Your Mind

With the heat of the sun disappearing for a while, and the cool wind and snow taking its turn, it can be difficult to work around new emotions that may arise. Not everyone is able to visit family, travel away for the holidays or experience traditions as they have in the past. Remember to reach out to your friends, check in with them every so often, but check in on yourself as well. Find things that you can do to stay active, find and create new hobbies and habits, and do things that uplift you! Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you need it. We have so many great local resources here to help us all be safe and successful.

Pick a few things you want to work on and let’s take on this winter!