Kelly McKamey is a candidate for a seat on the Rexburg City Council. Election Day will be Tuesday, Nov. 2.

1.     Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in northeast Montana in a small town called Glasgow.  I spent much of my childhood on my grandparents’ farm, learning to work and to love the land.  I joined the Army National Guard immediately out of high school and developed a deep love and respect for those who serve and fight for freedom.

I married my high school sweetheart, Kelly Lynn, and we have 5 amazing children and 9 grandchildren.  We’ve been married an amazing 36 years.  

I own my own business and work as a professional finish carpenter.  I love to serve and help those in need. I have been a long-time supporter of O.U.R (Operation Underground Railroad), I have volunteered with my wife as an advocate for victims of domestic abuse with the Family Crisis Center, I have served and actively supported the local food bank, and I have advocated for individuals and families who need assistance in their lives and circumstances.

I will bring my focus on serving with compassion and principle to the Rexburg City Council.

2. How long have you lived in Rexburg and what brought you here?

I have lived in Rexburg for about 14 years or so.  We moved from Rigby while my wife worked as an adjunct teacher at BYU-I.  We finished raising our children here and love this city and area.

3. What do you love about Rexburg?

Rexburg is a uniquely amazing place to have a family and develop lifelong friendships!  Along with all the wonderfully available activities, the relative security from much of the social upheaval in our society is refreshing.  People are being guided to move here, and to this general area, to escape from much of what is wrong in other parts of the country, and that is a great thing to help us keep the proper perspectives about our local morals, culture, and individual self governance.

Rexburg is a great community and has deeply great roots!  We can even get better as we ensure we maintain our moral compass and refuse to allow our local government to adopt the policies of other failed areas.  We can truly be a shining light on a hill for all who love liberty and personal accountability.

4. Why are you running for city council?

I am running for city council for all the reasons I have just shared…and more.  I have closely watched and interacted with the council for many years.  I have studied and internalized the correct perspectives and actions of government – and how local government is the best suited to preserve freedom of choice and protect the rights of the individual and family.  I can bring my business perspective, my advocacy for the people’s rights, and my love of this free land to the decisions made by the city council.

5. What makes you a good candidate?

I am a great candidate because I am hard working, dedicated to true principles, and deeply grounded in strong morals.  I have developed integrity which allows me to ask tough questions and seek for correct answers—not just make quick decisions to get things done.

I also am dedicated to actively listening to every citizen and seeking to understand their position, and act in principle and truth.  The government needs to be responsive to individuals, while acting on true principles.

6. What are your beliefs on managing the city’s growth?

Growth is good!  We each choose to live here because this area, and Rexburg, in particular, is a great place to live!  So we will continue to grow and will not just be a small college community forever.

We need to embrace the fact that some issues like traffic patterns, housing needs, business growth and development, and changes in handling the city’s infrastructure will all need to be addressed as we grow.  As we look at how best to manage these things, the citizens’ views and concerns need to be incorporated into the decisions made by the city council.  We need to focus on the basics of city governance and get that right, and then Rexburg’s growth will be a blessing to all of us.

7. What are the most important issues that you think affect the lives of Rexburg citizens?

As I have knocked on doors and listened to homeowners and business owners, one very big concern shared with me is that the city council doesn’t seem to listen to them, or respond to their views and concerns.  They feel marginalized and ignored.

Many small business owners feel the city uses a heavy hand in dealing with them—a domineering, top-down control approach.  One business owner said it was more difficult to open one small business in Rexburg than to open his two businesses in England.  That is just wrong.

Homeowners and citizens are concerned with housing costs, parking needs, and growing pains, and want to be heard and understood.  All of these are good people who want to know their local elected officials are listening and responding to their concerns.  They want to be truly represented.

8. What do you want to achieve during your time on the City Council?

I want to develop a balance between the wants of the city bureaucrats, and the taxpayers and citizens of Rexburg.  I want the city to ensure that their basic responsibilities, like fixing the sewer treatment plant and aggressively repairing the streets, are priorities—not just something seemingly less important than over-regulating the food trucks and vendors who are trying to make a living.

9. Any closing thoughts?

I believe people want to be heard by their elected representatives.  They want to know that their opinion counts—even if they can’t have everything they want.  They want real answers and to be understood.  I believe in the ability of local government to be more responsible and transparent than any other level of government, and will work towards that end.

I have interacted with people from all levels of life in Rexburg – from those displaced because of terrible personal circumstances, to those living in comparative opulence in well-groomed neighborhoods.  Rexburg can be a home town that reaches out to each of them, providing safety, security, and opportunities to grow and develop.  I will advocate for balance, integrity and true representation on the Rexburg City Council.

Rexburg is a great place to live—and can get even better as we work together.  Vote on November 2nd, and vote for Kelly McKamey; together we can make a huge difference!

Facebook: Kelly McKamey for Rexburg

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Kelly McKamey

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