By Alisa Schneider

REXBURG — Madison Library is offering over 12 activities and programs in February for kids and teens. Just because it’s a library doesn’t mean that all of the events are book- or reading-based. With so many different options of activities, there’s bound to be at least one for you or your family.

Kids Book Groups

Especially during winter, when park meetups aren’t possible, these reading events are a great way for parents and kids to meet together to learn and play. Each event targets a specific age range of kids, from babies to toddlers to young kids. Let’s explore each option to see which is best for your family:

Book Babies

Book Babies is for babies 0-10 months, or for any babies not walking yet, with an accompanying adult. Here, parents can interact with their children as they sing songs, look at books, and play with baby appropriate toys. Book Babies is offered Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.

Toddler Time 

Toddler Time is for children ages 11-23 months, or any walking toddlers, and their parents. This program is a little more advanced and interactive than Book Babies. Toddlers can look at books as they’re read to the group, sing songs and nursery rhymes, and play together. Toddler time is on Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.

Story Time

Story Time is the most popular event for children at the library. It is aimed at children aged 2-5 years old, with an accompanying adult. Here, children can do crafts and listen to stories. Special guests are sometimes invited to come to Story Time and do small presentations. Visitors in the past have included ballerinas, PBS characters, and professional jugglers. These great activities are offered Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. For anyone that can’t make it to the daytime events, there is also an After Dinner Storytime offered on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Besides all of these great weekly events offered, Madison Library also offers programs throughout the month. Check out these other events to see which ones are best for you or your family.

The entire family is invited to the library to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory on February 17th at 3:30pm.

Kids and teens alike can come to the Lego Club on February 21st at 4:00pm. This activity is for anyone aged 6-18. Create your wildest Lego designs with other building enthusiasts.

Anyone aged 9 and up is welcome to test their skills at the Chess and Game club, offered February 13th and 27th at 4:30pm.

For any teens interested in Dungeons and Dragons, the library hosts sessions throughout the month! Come on February 10th or 24th at 3:30pm to join a campaign.

The Young League of Writers club will be meeting on February 15th at 4pm to practice writing backstories. This is a great opportunity to learn and practice with other teen writers.

Teens looking for a creative outlet can attend the Felting Animals craft on February 16th at 4:30pm. 

Whether you have a newborn or a high school senior, Madison Library offers a program for your children’s age group. These activities are free, and a great way to engage in the community. Bring your kids to the library and explore all of the exciting events happening this month!

Check out these events and more on the Rexburg Commons Community Calendar.