From Millennial Choirs and Orchestras

We invite you to help us grow MCO so we can offer the MCO experience to more youth and adults across the nation! Here are some things we look for when we consider expanding to a new location:

• Is it a community that values the arts?
• Are there 200–300 children/youth committed to participate in the first season?
• Are there 150–200 skilled adult singers committed to audition and participate in the Grand Chorus?
•Are there a sufficient number of skilled instrumentalists interested in participating in the symphony orchestra?
•Is there a concert hall or suitable professional performing arts space in or near the community?

If this sounds like it could be a good fit for your community, please click on the link below to submit your request—and share this link with others in your community! One submission per household, please.
With enthusiasm,
Brandon Stewart & Brett StewartFoundersMillennial® Choirs & Orchestras | MCO®