By Alisa Schneider

REXBURG, Idaho — Some people joke that Rexburg has winter weather for 70% of the year. This past week has reminded us that winter is here, and that means less outdoor time for many local residents. While there are plenty of fitness- and sports-devoted people who brave the snow and ice, there are many more people who feel trapped inside their homes during the winter season.

There are a few indoor options in town, such as the BYU-Idaho facilities and local gyms, and now Rexburg is in talks to create a new rec center. The proposed center would potentially include a gym, aquatic area, track, and various fitness rooms. 

The city has already done a feasibility study, and has completed a local resident survey. Results from the study and survey, along with proposed funding ideas, will be discussed in the next city council work meeting on December 7th at 5 p.m. The community is welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting, in person or virtually, to stay informed on the current standing of the proposed rec center.

Though there is no public comment offered during the meeting this week, public attendees can still learn about the current situation and form their own opinions on the proposed build. Whether you currently believe that Rexburg could benefit from a multi-use indoor recreation space, or believe that our town offers enough recreational options without having to build another one, attend the city council meeting on Wednesday to learn more.

For more information on the meeting this upcoming week, check out the announcement on the city website here or read the meeting agenda here. To learn more about the rec center project itself and its meaning for our community, you can visit Engage Rexburg. While there, you can also take part in an online poll to share your feedback on the project.