Retired Nuclear Project/Maintenance Planner seeks to represent Legislative District 31.


SAINT ANTHONY, Idaho—Retired Nuclear Project Planner Darnell Shipp has officially announced his candidacy for the Idaho House of Representatives for Legislative District 31.

“Representing the good people of Limhi, Clark, Fremont, and Jefferson counties.”

Shipp recently retired from a 30-year career at the Idaho National Laboratory. His retirement was earlier than he planned, since he refused the COVID vaccine, standing on the principle of “I will decide what goes into my body!” This demonstrates his reputation of strength and integrity and shows how he will stand for the rights and safety of the individual.

“There is a huge ripple effect that is spreading out over our great nation, from the federal government, and from other states,” Shipp said. “I have deep concerns for the ‘Idaho way of life,’ with Idaho being one of the last strongholds to our Constitutional Republic. I fear many lawmakers are caving into big money and self-interest, putting up for sale what we hold most precious and sacred to our Idaho way of life. We must stop this ripple effect before it turns into tidal waves!”

Shipp is a strong advocate to protect the right to life, protecting Idaho family values, and parents’ rights.

“I will stand for truth in education, support the idea of money following the student for those families that are looking at alternative ways of educating their children, I will push to end common core,” Shipp said.

Shipp believes in limited government (not abolishing government), but limiting it to parameters of the Constitution, stating “The rights of the people will not be infringed!”

Shipp wants to strengthen Idaho sovereignty by upholding the First Amendment (the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, and the freedom to assemble), Second Amendment (the right of the people to keep and bear arms), Fourth Amendment (which protects the people from unreasonable search and seizure), and Tenth Amendment (the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people), and by stopping Biden’s (the liberal left’s) federal overreach.

“George Washington knew and understood in the War of Independence that control of the Hudson River was a critical element of victory,” Shipp said. “He commissioned resources to forge a chain 75-80 tons that they floated across the Hudson River on logs at West Point. Using this amazing chain as a tool kept the British ships from navigating up the Hudson River. We must
use the United States Constitution, 10th amendment (enumeration of power), and the Idaho Constitution as tools to fortify our state sovereignty.”


About Darnell Shipp:

Darnell Shipp and his wife live in the Egin Bench area of Fremont County. He has made his home in Eastern Idaho since 1985. He is the father of 7 and grandfather of 25. Darnell enjoyed scouting and is an Eagle Scout. He attended Ogden-Weber
vocational college as a pipefitter apprentice, while working full time and going to school at night. As a journeyman, Darnell worked in the construction field and was hired at the INL in 1991. He worked as a pipefitter for 23 years, with two of those years in supervision, and then turned his experience to Maintenance and Reactor Project Planning. Darnell has functioned as
lead planner over multi-million-dollar projects. He is proud of the many years he served as Team Chair in the Employee Safety Team. Darnell is aware of the limitations and restrictions of big government, especially OSHA and the CFR. In his three decades of working under the Department of Energy, Darnell has learned what it means to work under federal control.