Courtesy of Rexburg Arts

REXBURG—Extended Play Cinema is more than a movie–it is an experience. This creative series, presented by Rexburg Arts at the Romance Theater and Gallery brings fan-favorite movies to life; in an interactive way. Instead of being “shushed” for repeating lines, theater-goers are encouraged to dress up, quote-along and otherwise geek-out to cult-classic films.

We are excited to host THE PRINCESS BRIDE interactive movie event, Saturday, November 20 at the Romance Theater. Activities start at 6 PM. Tickets are available online or at the door. $12 includes a ticket to the movie and all of the “INCONCEIVABLE” activities and swag, including:

Pirate ship bounce house
Live fencing demonstration
Shrieking eel crafts
Treats, like Miracle Max’s chocolate covered pills and Twu Wuv Twuffles
Swords, Masks, Crowns
Costume Contest
Trivia Contest
Rhyming Contest
And lots of surprises!

We know you will “Have fun storming the castle!”