By Aleisha Stidham

REXBURG — Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in thrift stores across the country. Rexburg has also seen an increase in demand for these types of stores. Although Rexburg is a smaller city, it is home to eight different thrift stores that vary in size, style, and intended customers.

There are several reasons for this increased demand for thrift stores. When thrift stores initially saw a rise in popularity, it was due to the unique experience they offered customers. They became exclusive treasure troves of vintage fashion, offering clothing items that centered on individuality. They allowed customers to maintain their individuality by offering pieces that go against the grain of mainstream fashion. As time has passed, this core idea reflecting individuality in fashion has remained. Thrift stores offer one-of-a-kind staples, ranging from essential clothing items to unique jewelry pieces, to classic kitchenware, and even furniture.

Shopping at thrift stores is also a way to reduce waste in the clothing industry. Fewer items of clothing end up in the trash or at landfills, and thrift store clothing is repurposed for many people’s needs. Thrift stores offer high-quality items at more affordable prices than brand new items of similar value. They are a way to make your dollar go just a little bit further. Often, locally-owned thrift stores are a great way to support your own community.

Let’s look at some of the thrift stores around town:

Second Helpings Thrift Store, located at 16 E. Main Street, is part of the Family Crisis Center. The Family Crisis Center is a nonprofit that has been operating since 1987 to help those affected by abuse in Madison, Fremont, Jefferson, and Clark counties. They do so by providing education and information to the public. This thrift store has a changing selection, weekly sales, and outgoing volunteers. It is a great option to check out if you are looking for a thrifting option.

SuperLame, located at 46 N. 2nd East, is a thrift store known for its vintage clothing styles, and they also sell local art and products. They have a unique atmosphere and are known for supporting the local art and music scene. In addition to supporting the community by selling local products and goods, they also host live shows from local bands on the weekends.

Thrifted Lennons, located at 22 College Avenue, is another great thrift store to check out if you are looking for cool vintage clothing pieces. They offer unique pieces ranging from clothes to jewelry. The atmosphere and ambiance is unique to other stores you will visit. The staff are very friendly and work to make the customers feel at home while they are shopping.

Daisy Links—Plant and Home Emporium, located at 155 W. Main Street #9, is more than just a traditional thrift store. It is also a plant nursery, so it offers a different experience from the other thrift stores in town. They offer items that are hand-picked by the owners to ensure there is great quality in each product they offer. They work to make sure their items are ethically sourced and offer a unique experience, especially if you are looking to pick up a new plant for your home or garden.

In addition to these locally-owned-and-operated thrift stores, Rexburg also has larger thrift stores that people might already be familiar with such as the Deseret Industries Thrift Store and Donation Center, and Goodwill.

Deseret Industries Thrift Store and Donation Center, located at 611 N. 2nd East, is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is the largest thrift store in Rexburg and offers a wide range of items including clothes, electronics, and furniture.

Goodwill, located at 125 Valley River Drive, Suite 201, is part of Easterseals—Goodwill Northern Rocky Mountain Inc., which is a non-profit that focuses on providing employment opportunities, day programs, and housing for adults with intellectual disabilities, children’s therapy, and health-related services for adults and senior citizens. They also offer a wide range of items at affordable prices.

Thrift stores are a core part of the consumer experience, as they allow consumers to look for unique pieces from clothing and jewelry to furniture or appliances that reflect their individuality, all at affordable prices. They allow for less waste to be produced, which often comes from the consumption of new items. They also allow customers to connect more closely with parts of their local communities.

Rexburg has a wide range of thrift store options for consumers to check out depending on what their goals are. There are a few connected to different non-profits and many that are locally-owned and operated. Whether you are looking for unique wardrobe pieces or are looking for new ways to support your local community, the thrift stores Rexburg offers are great places to spend your time and money.